Our Ministries

We have numerous ministries for you to get involved in. Once you become a member of GMBC. We encourage you to join as many ministries and auxiliaries as you would like.
Lie, Learn, Laugh, Love, Life image
Pastor’s Aide Ministry
The pastor’s aide ministry provides support to the pastor of the church and his family in all areas of their lives. They are made up of a small group of members of the church, and they take on a detailed list of duties to complete their job.

A major duty of the pastor’s aide committee is to pray for the needs of the pastor and his family. The committee provides the support needed to the pastor and his family, whether it be in the form of prayer, encouragement through words, finances, or other actions that show their love and gratitude to the pastoral family.
Scripture: 1 Timothy 5:17

First Lady’s Ministry
A group of saved and spiritually filled individuals who attend to the needs of the pastor’s wife. A major duty of the ministry is to pray for the needs of the first lady, pastor, and their family.
Scripture: Proverbs 31:10-31

Angel Tree Ministry
The purpose of this ministry is to go into the prisons, drug rehabilitation centers, work release programs, and any other facilities and teach the gospel of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
Scripture: Matthew 12:20

Board of Christian Education
Dedicated to the education, edification, and excellence of disciples of Christ through diligent study of God’s Word.
Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:15

Building Fund Ministry
Provide assistance and support for the upkeep and the day-to-day operation of the church. Saints working together to maintain the foundation and beauty of God’s house; the most holy place.
Scripture: 1 Chronicles 23:32

Church Council
Assure that all auxiliaries are represented and supporting each other at services and/or outings.
Scripture: Romans 14:7

Decorating Ministry
Assists with decorating for your church programs and events.
Scripture: Ezra 7:27

Diaconate Ministry
The diaconate ministry is comprised of men and women who have been ordained as deacons in the church. A deacon is a servant of the church in partnership with the pastor. Deacons were born out of the need to assist church leaders in meeting the daily needs of God’s people as they served tables. When the number of disciples increased, the apostles instructed the people to choose from among them 7 men full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom that they might be appointed over the business of feeding and meeting the daily needs of the people. Deacons are partners in ministry with the pastor.
Scripture: Acts 6:1-6

Career Readiness Ministry
Supply services to students and career minded individuals to Think-Know-Act-Go. Assist with resume preparation, educate on how to dress to impress for an interview, how to prepare for an interview, and assist in successfully transitioning into the workforce.
Scripture: Ephesians 4:28

FOCUS Ministry – “Freedom Only Comes Under Surrendering”
We offer people a place to turn in order to address their addiction trial and tribulations.
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

Food Pantry Ministry
The Food Pantry Ministry oversees and administers grants given to the church to provide supplemental nutrition to the homeless and the needy in our community. The food pantry ministry feeds 500 families each Thursday morning at the church. The importance of their ministry rests in our Christian duty to feeding the poor and clothing the naked as we have resources and opportunity. The work of this ministry has grown tremendously over the past 35 years.
Scripture: Matthew 25:35-40

Grief and Loss Ministry
A ministry of Believers purposed with providing hope, healing, comfort, support, and recovery during times of bereavement, grief, and various types of loss and transition by spreading the Love of God with Help of the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Scripture: Matthew 5:4

Hospitality Ministry
Showing the Fruit of the Spirit, therefore it is important that we be friendly, sincere, warm, and welcoming to everyone.
Scripture: Galatians 5:22

Men’s Fellowship Chorus
Strives for the betterment of all men through Christ Jesus, with a focus on the attributes of Trust, Encouragement, Righteousness, and Love. We also focus on continued growth of the church as well as the community.
Scripture: Proverbs 27:17

Men’s Ministry
The ministry is made up of men who meet regularly to discuss issues facing men as they develop their personal christian growth. They operate under the mantra that ‘iron sharpens iron’.

Millennial’s Ministry
To enlighten, motivate, and encourage young adults to strive to do and be their best in every area of life. This ministry will help empower all members and help them become content and comfortable in their walk in life and with Christ. This ministry will serve as a resource for Christian advancement and will be a judgement-free zone. 
Scriptures:  Romans 8:28 and 1 Peter 2:9

Missionary Ministry
Our goal is to meet the master’s mandate. To go to the highways and hedges to compel dying men, women, and children that the wages of sin is death and the gift of God is eternal life.
Scripture: Matthew 28:10-20

Music Ministry
Our purpose is to prepare hearts for Worship.
The music ministry includes the GMBC Mass Choir, Angelic Voices, Adult Praise Team, Young Adult Praise Team, Men’s Choir, and Senior Choir.
Scripture: 2 Chronicles 5:12-14

New Members Follow-Up Committee
It is our mission to try and encourage believers to come to church and fellowship with other believers.
Scripture: Genesis 4:9

Nurses Ministry
The Nurses Ministry provides first aid to the ill or injured in the congregation. They also provide support to the ushers when requested. They also provide services as directed by the pastor. This ministry provides needed support during worship and funeral/Home Going services. A nurse is regularly assigned to the pulpit area to see to the needs of the pastor, ministers, and choir members as needed.
Scripture: 3 John 2

Prayer Band Ministry
Allows saints to talk with God. To empty their troubles of the world; to give thanks to God for all He has done and will do in their lives, as they pray for loved ones.
Scripture: 1 John 5:14-15

Scholarship Ministry
The Scholarship Ministry provides financial assistance to enhance the ability of students to achieve their academic goals and develop skills needed for the future. Whether traditional college or a training school to provide the applicant with skills to effectively perform their duties, the scholarship ministry will review every application and provide financial assistance while funds allow. The Scholarship Ministry has an annual drive designed to raise funds for scholarship.
Scripture: Proverbs 4:7

Senior Citizens Ministry
We thank God for letting us be able to work at our church at this age. The senior citizens work in the pantry, packing and distributing food to the people of the community every Thursday.
Scripture: Psalm 121

Social Action Ministry
A community of believers advocating for justice for the people where justice has been absent in the areas of substandard housing, excellent education for all children, as well as those who are homeless and hungry, those fighting for a right to vote, and for churches to operate without government interference.
Scripture: Proverbs 31:8-9

Sunday School Ministry
To reach every age group of the congregation teaching the Word of God (Jesus our Savior).
Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:15

Thanksgiving Ministry
To set an atmosphere in the community to serve the homeless and anyone who is in need of receiving a hot meal on Thanksgiving Day. To fellowship with each other under one roof and to provide clothing and coats to whoever may be in need.
Scripture: Matthew 25:35

Transportation Committee
Outreach ministry for the church and others in need of transportation for worships service and other church outings.
Scripture: Hebrews 12:13

Trustee Ministry
Oversee and manage the monetary parts of God’s house.

Ushers Ministry
We are the doorkeepers. We set the mood of the people as they enter the house of God. We greet everyone with a warm and welcoming smile, and let them know we are here to serve them.
Scripture: Ephesians 6:7-8

Willing Workers Ministry
Serve the kingdom in helping others and doing whatever is asked of us. To bless one another through fellowship and support.
Scripture: 1 Chronicles 28:9

Women’s Ministry
Worship God, in spirit and in truth, to nurture and maintain a Godly fellowship with the women of Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church. To encourage, empower, and embolden women of all ages to live their best lives.
Scripture: Philippians 3:14

Writing Ministry (P.O.W.W. – Power of Writing our Worship)
Focused on creative witnessing, spreading the Gospel, worshiping God through the expressive art of writing, and telling our stories to encourage and uplift others. Dedicated to empowering its members and community at large to tap into the inherent power of words, to write their own possibilities, and to make a joyful noise unto the Lord through poetry, personal narrative, and essays.
Scripture: Habakkuk 2:2

Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Focus on moving our young people to be proud soldiers of Christ. Our mission is to get young people to learn and study more about God and who he is in their lives.
Scripture: Matthew 19:14